Webhook Log Export

Hey everyone! One step of my main automation was with one bug in the weekend. More than 700 leads who subscribe in our landing pages was lost and the autom didnt stoped. Theres any way to run this leads in the scenario again? I can see the Webhook log but i cant export, anyone know how to help me?

Hello @SeuBone_SB welcome to the community :wave:

First of all, thanks a lot for bringing this us into the community :pray:

There is currently no way to rerun webhook-triggered executions. There is a workaround that could be helpful, though. You could copy the payloads from the triggers and simulate them in a different scenario. You can find a detailed guide on how to do this in our Help Center.

Just a quick heads-up: I checked our Idea Exchange and I see that this feature should shortly be introduced. So, feel free to keep an eye on the progress there.

Hi @SeuBone_SB,

What plan are you on currently? You can utilize the Make module, but I will have to review the best way to do this.