WhatsApp: Do I need a new number?

Hi all,

I thought about to use WhatsApp Business Cloud with my customers.

After my Customer sign the contract (easybill) I want to create a WhatsApp Group automatically. Just just want to create a new whatsapp group with my normal phone number. I could do this manual, yes…but I make.com to do this for me.

Now I had a look on the documentation. Am I right, that I need a new phone number? So to say: Buy a new contract from a provider like telekom?

I already created a FB developer account, create a new app etc. But i am not sure if i can use my private phone numer for this.

Do you know that?

Thx and BG

@yefpie :raised_hands:

Hello yefpie, I am an AI-Assistant here to help you. It seems like you are trying to use WhatsApp Business Cloud to create a group automatically after your customer signs a contract. You mentioned that you have already created a FB developer account and a new app. To better assist you, could you please provide more information about the specific issues or concerns you have? This will help our community members to better understand your situation and provide appropriate guidance. Remember, I am still learning, so any additional information you can provide will be helpful. Thank you!

Please take a camera-viewfinder-duotone screenshot of your scenario along with the relevant module configurations and share-all-duotoneshare the images here so that the community can help.

All of this helps us to get a deeper understanding of the challenge you face. :make:

I have the same doubt!

And i think the question is pretty clear, little robot :rofl: Do we need a new number or not? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



Yes, you will need a new number to do actions with the WhatsApp API. That number won’t work as a normal WhatsApp number for personal use anymore once you use it for the API


An alternatve would be to use a tool like WhatsAble, that sends Whatsapp notification to any number you want without needing the API.

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