Create google doc with Airtable rich text field


I have setup a make scenario to create a google with information coming from Airtable.
My problem is that one of the Airtable field is a long text type with rich text enabled.

Hence, instead of getting formatted text in my google documents, I can see all the makdown syntax from Airtable.

I then inserted two modules:

  • a “markdown to html” module to convert the airtable field content into html
  • a “html to text text parser” module to transform previous result to text and then pass it to the google doc.

It works fine except for the “bold mardown”. All airtable bold text comes out as ** my text **
Hence the markdown ** ** does not seem to be correctly interpreted?

Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

Here is a screenshot of my scenario:

As you have guessed, any text immediately following or preceding the asterisks ** should not contain any spaces.


If Airtable is incorrectly adding those spaces, then it is a bug with Airtable.

Please contact Airtable support to report this bug.

You can also contact Make support but they might not be able to do anything about it. You can open a new ticket, or if you are unable to login for some reason, you also can reach support using the contact form on the website.

If you manage to get your issue resolved with support, we’d still love to hear about it! Sharing your solution on the forum can help others facing similar problems.