Is it possible to automatically update a woocommerce order status when a Click Up Task status is updated?

Hi there,

I operate an online/brick and mortar store on Wordpress and Woocommerce. As a team, we use Click Up to manage tasks and collaborate with each other.

I currently have a scenario set up that creates a task on Click Up whenever an order is placed on Woocommerce. It automatically includes the order information such as order number and customer details.

I am wondering if it is possible for me to set up a scenario that will allow me to automatically update an order status on Woocommerce whenever a task status is updated on Click Up.

Any guidance on how to map this scenario would be greatly appreciated.

I imagine the steps would be something like the following but I am confused as to how to set it up with the proper mapping functions.

  1. Watch Tasks on Click Up for status changes (trigger)
  2. Search task description for “order number”
  3. Search Woocommerce orders by using the parsed “order number”
  4. Update Woocommerce order status to (a specific status)