Merged pdf files order

Hi, I have working scenario about saving pdf attachments to Google disk. I added merging different pdf files into one with I love pdf module. It works fine but I need to figure out hot to change order of merged pdf files. Any ideas?


Hi, If I remember correctly you’ll have to assign either mapped values (File 1, File 2, File 3…) or a mapped array of values (option map, array). Can you provide a screenshot of your ilovepdf module? Have you tried ordering the files in different ways in the setup ?

Hi Kudracha, thanks for your reply, yes I tried filter with sorting, but it does’t worked.

Can you share the sample output of your Array Aggregator?

That makes more sense and gives you more idea about which function or modules must be used.

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Hi Dilipborad, there it is. Thanks.

This is a setting of the Array aggregator, Output is shown on that bubble when you run it.

Ah sorry. And so is current order correctly ordered in ilovepdf? Do you have file 1 as page 1 (file 1 = element 1 in array) and file 2 3 etc. ?

If yes, can you reorder elements by inputting this in PDF Files array map ? :

split(last(array)/first(array );/)

To just try and rearrange the array and put last as first and first as second.

How did you try sorting ?

If we talk about Output of Array aggregator I need 3 (Collection) put to the first page of merged pdf file.

I don’t know which module I must modify, Array aggregator or I love PDF?

Thanks., can you try modifying ilovepdf module and put array what you currently have in reverse( ) ? :

reverse ( array [ ] )

Yes, but still not solve the problem :frowning:, have you tried deactivating map and manually mapping elements?

for file1 you’ll have to use
file 1 = get(array;1)
file2 = get(array;2)
file3 = get(array;3) referencing array of the aggregator

Yes I tried several times but I don’t know what to put there. Thanks., for file name, put whatever you want. for file data, as I said in my previous reply,

file 1 = get(array;1)
and so on for file 2 and 3.