Announcement for new HubSpot API/modules switch — deadline date?

Heya @aidy :wave:

Thanks a lot for bringing this issue up here in the community. I realize that you speak on behalf of many users and this way, we can share the info we have with the entire community forum.

First and foremost, I want to apologize for any anxiety that the recent email may have caused. We understand that HubSpot is a crucial app for many users, and worrying about its functionality within Make is, indeed, stressful.

To clarify, I would like to let you know that we don’t have plans to remove the old modules. They’ll continue to work until HubSpot decides to stop supporting the old versions of API.

For context:

Hubspot is currently transitioning their API to a new version while gradually sunsetting the old counterparts.

We generally recommend looking at the changelog for more specific information. For instance, the Calendar API will cease functioning on July 28th.

Thanks again for raising this and for - hopefully - letting us bring more clarity into the situation :pray:

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