πŸ“š [Community Handbook p. 15] Customizing your Sidebar

Hey Makers :wave:

Our Community Handbook series on getting the hang of the features of the Make Community is nearing its end. We have covered:

:person_red_hair: setting up a community profile
:mag_right: looking up info in the community
:speech_balloon: starting a conversation
:arrow_right_hook: replying and reacting
:white_check_mark: marking solutions
:mailbox_with_mail: sending DMs
:triangular_flag_on_post: flaggling posts
:calling: setting notifications
:bookmark: bookmarking posts
:face_in_clouds: hiding or blurring parts of your posts
:ballot_box: creating a poll
:art: formatting your content
:hammer_and_wrench: customizing community interface
:pushpin: setting custom status

Today, we’ll talk about a new feature you can take advantage of which is the community sidebar, and how you can customize it.

Let’s check out the options the sidebar gives you:

:one: You can edit the categories and tags that you’re directed to from the sidebar.

To do so, simply click the click the pencil next to β€˜Top Categories’ or β€˜Tags’ and select the most relevant ones for you.

:two: You can add a custom section to your sidebar with helpful/inspirational posts.

To do so, simply click the plus sign at the very bottom of the sidebar.

Add the links that are helpful or interesting.

edit custom section

And behold your custom section.

:three: You can also easily start conversations from the sidebar.

To do so, simply click the plus sign by β€˜Community’ and start a new topic.

Or click the plus sign by β€˜Messages’ and craft a new personal message.

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This is super useful thank you Michaela. Really enjoying the new layout :purple_heart:

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Thanks Paul! Happy to hear that you like the makeover :blush: